Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oak Island Nova Scotia Money Pit

Oak Island Money Pit

3 boys found a strange indentation in the land on Oak Island, Nova Scotia. They started digging. Four feet down they found a layer of flagstones not native to the area. Then ten feet further down they found a platform of oak logs closely set together, embedded in the walls of the shaft. Now being certain that they had stumbled upon a long-lost pirate's treasure trove they dug furiously. However, below the oak platform they found only more earth. At a depth of 20 feet they came across yet another oak platform, and then again, another at 30 feet. By this time the pit was so deep that the boys could not easily remove the logs. Discouraged by weeks of fruitless digging, the young treasure hunters abandoned the project. But they did not forget.

More information about the Oak Island Money Pit.

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